Hi, I’m Tom, the director. Thank you so much for getting involved with this project and doing something creative to tackle coronavirus. This document contains everything you need to know!
This film is all about the little things we do that can have big impacts. It’s kind of magical that washing our hands when we come home can stop our loved ones from getting seriously ill, isn’t it? The final film will create a moving collage of people all over Liverpool filming themselves in their homes with the choreographed routines in this document. Thanks for being a part of it!
What you need
A spare hour.
Your mobile phone to film yourself.
A face covering.
You may need a second device to play music files on.
Please upload your videos by Midnight Sunday 30th November. If you get stuck at any point please email contact@tomshennan.co.uk for help.
A simple one to get started. Our breath can be powerful: breathing exercises can calm us down and help us focus on the moment. However, right now our breath can also be dangerous and we are told that we should wear masks. I like to think about the magic of our breath when we blow out birthday cake candles and make a wish.
This video explains the warm up exercise.
Record your own video and upload it here
This routine is all about creating a space where you feel safe. A space that you own. So maybe you’d like to film this one in your bedroom. I want you to focus on embodying a sense of comfort and calm when you make this routine, almost like you’re snuggled in bed on a Sunday morning.
Watch the example video of the routine, these have been put together by choreographer Shivaangee Agrawal.
Now you can learn the routine with this tutorial video – spend about 15 minutes on this.
Using this audio guide, you are ready to record your own attempt.
Upload it here when you’ve filmed it
We wash our hands many times every day, it’s become second nature. Try to put a gentle consideration and delicate care as you perform this routine.
This is about keeping those within your home safe from anything you may bring in from the outside world. You might want to think about filming this in a communal area of your home: the kitchen or the living room.
Watch the example video of the routine, this is what you’ll be recreating. Pay attention to how the phone moves as well on this one.
Watch the tutorial video to learn step-by-step how to do the routine.
Using this audio file, you are ready to record your video
Upload it here when you’ve filmed it
And that’s it, you’re done. Thank you so much for your contribution to this project, if you successfully complete all 3 tasks you will receive a Certificate of Participation.